

李秀芬    Santa  Ana 牧區

 我叫李秀芬,是喜樂小組,今天見證是在疫情期發生的事。得到平安喜樂,得到醫治和安慰保護。我在整理花園時,要從一個台階高的花園下來時,大概沒站穩就趺倒在停車場,左手肘受傷沒敢告訴女兒,只打電話給醫生,她正在渡假,她幫我連絡看護站叫我過去,因為語言不通又沒車,室友上班了,我打電話給女兒帶我去,只跟女兒說感冒,她説沒有發燒症狀不用去,所以我只好待在家裡靜觀其變。  還好現在有個室友與我同住,她試著問我那裡痛,後覺得不像斷裂,可能是韌帶受傷,就冰敷一下後再擦紅花油,摔倒時是上午十時左右,到晚上有進步了。我的見證是堅定相信神的應許,祂所受的鞭傷使我得醫治,當很痛時我呼求主,阿爸天父救我,一直的呼求,不斷的擦紅色油。感謝主是左手,還能用右手做任何的事,只有洗澡比較不方便而己,神給我的擔子是輕省的,只經過一個星期就好多了,這榮耀都歸主耶穌基督。「你們所遇見的試探,無非是人所能受的。神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的;在受試探的時候,總要給你們開一條出路,叫你們能忍受得住。」  哥林多前書 10:13

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Becky Chen   Santa Ana 牧區

居家隔離讓很多人神經緊繃留在家裡不敢出門 ,我也不例外。但是同時有一個美好的信息傳來,令我愉悅不已。 就是「主耶穌邀請我們跟祂一起過逾越節」。 這個信息使我像個小女孩聽故事,興奮期待著美好結局的來到 ,也安心穩當地知道我們必經過死蔭的幽谷,卻不遭害。


終於五月中旬看到了醫生,也擦了藥。醫生說過兩星期若是沒有好轉,下次看診就要做切片檢查。我堅持每天領聖餐,在主裡尋求恩愛與醫治,並記念大大小小的事,包括家人教會和國家。那短暫與主相遇的時刻真是美好 !


持續五十多天的領聖餐,讓我真正體會到神付出的代價、犧牲和愛、還有大能。聖餐不再只是禮儀形式,而是把我拉進祂的同在、真正與祂有份。最後告訴大家我終於一個人喝掉了一整瓶紅酒🍷 ❤️


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Healing Through Repeated Prayer

Allen Hsu  6/28/2020 via email     Santa Ana Campus

Hi church friends,

I wanted to share a testimony about what God did this Sunday, June 28, 2020.

At about 11 am, as I was about to listen to Pastor Andrew on the Sunday sermon online, a friend of mine called me. 

Something led me to answer the phone where I would normally call back later. Victor, my Caribbean friend of many years living in San Jose, CA, called to say he didn’t return my call yesterday because he was helping a friend to pack and move to Florida. He then shared with me that he had slammed the truck door on his finger and he was in pain. He said he couldn’t sleep all night because his finger was badly swollen and he could not even touch it.

Having watched a video about a teaching about God’s desire to have a close relationship with every person willing to receive Him through Jesus and His willingness to demonstrate that love with healing, I offered to pray for Victor and his hand and he accepted. As I prayed for him, I felt God’s love for him and I commanded the swelling and pain to leave him and for his hand to be healed, in the name of Jesus.

After the prayer, Victor said that the swelling was going down and he was able to move his fingers. He also said the pain had reduced by 50%. Remembering how in scripture Jesus prayed multiple times for a person and the testimony in the video about a person who was in a wheel chair for 20 years in Syracuse who was prayed for 25 times and in the end she walked out of that church without using the wheelchair, I resolved to keep praying with my friend’s permission. With each prayer, my friend confirmed that the pain and swelling reduced. After about 7 or 8 times, he said he was able to move his fingers and that the pain was mostly gone and the swelling by 70%. He also said he could now touch his hand whereas last night he could not even touch it.

We praised God together and I told him I really sensed God’s love for him and desire to have close relationship with him. He said he would pray and thank God later. As he had a customer (he was selling household goods at a flea market) we got off the phone. I praise God I had the opportunity to share God’s love and hope that my friend gets closer to God through the experience.  I hope this testimony encourages our church members to keep taking risks and pray for those who are sick around you. Praise the Lord.

Allen Hsu

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