最新活動和教會消息 Church News

一月裝備課程 (Santa Ana牧區)

從1/8開始為期十週會由Pastor Joey帶領我們透過路加福音來學習關於聖靈,歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍的一起來接受裝備!
Starting from January 8th, Pastor Joey will be teaching us about Holy Spirit through the gospel book of Luke! It will be a 10-week equipping class on Sunday from 10-10:40am.

1/14 全人更新營 (Arcadia牧區)

參加全人更新營會讓我們揮別過去的老我,邁向新的改變,成為在基督裡新造的人!在營會裡我們學習吸收更多神的愛 更深刻的認識天父、耶穌、聖靈,讓天父的愛幫助你揮別過去你不喜歡的自己的個性、困擾你的思想、甚至是從小累積的傷害、等等的,讓天父來愛你。靠著耶穌復活的大能,我們得已改變,變得不一樣,活的更精彩!現在就趕快報名參加2023年1月14號的一日全人更新營吧!早點報名有優惠喔!

Kristy (626)321-0661 Text Only

TGIF Youth Group

青年團契 Youth Program- SA Campus

在Santa Ana牧區每隔一個禮拜五會是歡樂的TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)的青年團契!如果你家中有12-17歲的青少年,歡迎把他們帶來教會參加由我們的Pastor Joey & Pastor Moses所帶領的青年團契!

We will have Youth Group program every other Friday at our Santa Ana campus. If you have youth at your household, feel free to have them join us for fun activities here at church!

Amazon Smile

請弟兄姊妹在Amazon上購物時使用smile.Amazon.com 並選擇New Life Christian Center of Orange County,如此一來,您每一筆消費的0.5%都會被捐給教會哦!
Please consider using smile.amazon.com while you shop and select “New Life Christian Center of Orange County” as you do. This way, every 0.5% of your spending will be donated to our church through Amazon Smile!

Volunteers Wanted


We are looking for volunteers to serve with us in various ministries, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you:

我要參與服事 Click me to sign up

Church Social Media

教會Social Media


Follow us on our Instagram and Facebook, so you don’t miss out on our news and events!


Due to the limited storage space at the church building, please contact church office before dropping off any donation item to check if we have the storage space for it. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!



Zoom ID: 3723179047
Code: nlcc

Join our zoom prayer meeting every Monday and Wednesday morning at 9:15-9:45am. We will be playing worship music and you are welcome to just come and soak in His presence with us.

Zoom ID: 3723179047
Code: nlcc


陳牧師每天為您出爐熱騰騰的每日靈糧,請下載Church Plus App教會通,綁定「美國新生命靈糧堂」教會後點選靈修教材並訂閱「安德魯靈糧烘培坊」。

Pastor Andrew’s daily devotion material can be subscribe through Church Plus App. 

Church Plus App 教會通

教會從2021年一月起已經全面將資訊移動到Church Plus App 教會通。請下載Church Plus App到您的手機並且搜尋「美國新生命靈糧堂」綁定教會。在教會通裡您將會得到最新教會消息,每日靈修等訊息。

Please download Church Plus App on your phone to receive our newest information, event, and daily devotion. After you have download the app, search and connect to “美國新生命靈糧堂” within the app.